Tomi Firman


"name": "Tomi Firman Cahyadi S.Kom",

"occupation": "Software Developer",

"likes": ["coffee", "rendang"],


My Work

1. Stifar Riau Attendance System
2. Traffic Equipment Management system


  • Attendance Application for Lecturers and Staff in the STIFAR Riau
  • Architect of the Full Application Suite (iOS, Android) & Responsive Website Infrastructure

  • Implemented Robust Security Protocols for Safeguarding Sensitive Linguistic Data

  • Developed applications, tools & software products using languages like,Laravel,Flutter ,Dart,MySQL

  • Mill Traffic Equipment Management is a system for recording data on signs, light traffic and so on, also the public can report damage and it will be handled by the authorities

  • Developed applications, tools & software products using languages like Laravel,Flutter,Dart,MySql

  • managing academic data, the registration process, scheduling lectures, managing grades, and monitoring student attendance. With this academic information system, it is hoped that all institutions can manage data effectively, efficiently and integratedly.

  • Developed applications, tools & software products using languages like,Laravel, MySQL, Bootstrap, JavaScript

3. Academic Information Systems University Of Riau
  • SIMPPM is a Research and Community Service Management Information System The Research and Community Service Management Information System (SIM-PPM) is an information system that provides research data at the University or College Research and Community Service Directorate in an integrated manner to all existing faculties and study centers.

4. SIMPPM Information Systems University Of Riau
5. Cek Status Gizi Online
6. E-Kerjasama
  • Check Nutritional Status Online. This system is used to find out your nutritional status.
  • Maintaining normal nutritional status can prevent various health problems and diseases.
  • E-Kerjasama is a digital platform designed to streamline and facilitate the collaboration between government entities and print media outlets for the publication of news and announcements. The application serves as a centralized hub where government organizations can efficiently manage and order news publications, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and effective communication.

  • The Village Fund Monitoring System is a comprehensive platform designed to oversee and manage the financial operations of village funds, from revenue collection to expenditure. The system aims to ensure transparency, accountability, and effective use of village funds, contributing to the sustainable development of rural communities.

7. Village Fund Monitoring System Overview
  • Gamepot is your ultimate gaming hub, offering a wide range of games to suit every preference. Whether you're a fan of classic board games, love the challenge of Tetris-style puzzles, or enjoy other exciting game types, Gamepot has something for everyone. Dive into endless entertainment with an array of games that will keep you engaged for hours. With a user-friendly interface and a variety of genres to explore, Gamepot is the perfect companion for all your gaming needs.

8. Game Pot
9. Stifar Riau Website Profile
10. HahAI News AI Portal
  • Profile Website STIFAR RIAU
  • Developed applications, tools & software products using Wordpress

  • News AI Portal

  • Developed applications, tools & software products using languages like Laravel,Flutter,Dart,MySql

  • Online Stunting Calculator: Predicting and Preventing Stunting in Children

  • Developed applications, tools & software products using languages like,PHP,Java,MySQL

11. Stunting Calculator
  • Website for managing University of Riau alumni, starting from registration, payments, information

12. IKAUNRI Alumny Management System
13. FMIPA University Of Riau Profile Website
  • Profile Website for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Riau University. This website displays information on lecturer profiles, news employees, lecture schedules, exam schedules. Scholarship information and others

About Me

Hello, I'm Tomi, a Software Developer with a passion for crafting digital experiences!


  • Golang: I have experience in Golang, a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google. I leverage its simplicity and efficiency to build scalable backend systems and microservices.
  • 🚀 Laravel: I'm also experienced in building robust and scalable web applications using Laravel, known for its elegant syntax and powerful features. Let's turn your ideas into reality with the Laravel magic!

  • 📱 Flutter: I specialize in building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop using Flutter, the open-source UI framework by Google. Let's create stunning digital experiences across platforms with Flutter!



Wanna talk?

Contact me with any questions or just to say a few nice words ... or mean ones. Up to you .... free will and all
Contact :
WA : +6285265302237

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